Have fun with your toddler - Printable Activities for 2 years up to 5 image

Have fun with your toddler - Printable Activities for 2 years up to 5

Keep your active toddler entertained and learning with these activities and printables. I have searched the internet far and wide, and I have come up with the best list of printable activities that you can do with your toddler to help entertain them, keep them busy (when you need to work or do dishes) and to help them learn! I have activities for fine motor skills, gross motor skills, letters, numbers, reading, spelling, colors, shapes, animals, pretty much anything you can think of! If there is something that you really want and can't find, let me know and I'll find it for you!

Beautiful Letter Flash Cards

These letter flash cards are so beautiful, they have really been designed perfectly.  This site offers a few different options:  different fonts, a few different options for certain letters, large sized for posting in classrooms or on your walls at home and small flash cards easy for little hands to hold.  

These cards are a great way to help your toddler identify with the alphabet, and get familiar with the things around them.  Its also a fun way to help them learn.  Play a game with them:  have a few on the floor, face up and ask them to pick out one that they can see.  Or ask them to show you their favorite letter.  There are endless possibilities with these.  

Learn the elements flash cards

Help your toddler learn about the elements, and about the earth, stars, moon and sun.  These gorgeous flash cards are a perfect way to introduce the elements in a fun way.  Use these cards to help explain the relationship between the different elements and the earth cards, and how they affect one another.