Taking a bath is one of my favorite things to do. It should be relaxing, quiet, and peaceful.
Amelie asks...I think the YouTube video that shows how to make soda pop explode with Mentos is really cool. I was wondering if you did the same thing with a bath bomb, what would happen? Since bath bombs are fizzy, ...
Sue says...Can all shower gels be used as bubble baths, or are some ingredients only meant for short-term skin contact? The Right Brain Responds: Excellent question, Sue, but there's no simple answer. Products that are intended to remove oil and ...
Erica inquires...I saw the following question over at the Soap Making Forum: "what are the benefits of bath bombs? like, what's each ingredient good for?" Sounds like a good topic for the Beautiful Brains! The Right Brain responds: Thanks for ...
After our post on the Top 5 Bath Bombs, we had a follow up question about how many bath bombs would it take to make you float in your tub. Since then we've had several emails asking how you can ...