— When hiring a Nanny or Babysitter - its always a smart idea to have all of the important information ready at a moments notice when she or he will need it. I have compiled everything that is in my Babysitter handbook and put it on here for you to use as well!
— Taking a bath is one of my favorite things to do. It should be relaxing, quiet, and peaceful.
— Getting ready for a baby can be overwhelming. I've done it - and I got so wrapped up in the research. I have researched everything there is to know about baby products. From strollers to burp cloths, to diapers and pacifier wipes. I found that these items are the best, and other moms think so too.
— Your body is a complex machine with a huge amount of chemicals, hormones, and processes keeping everything going strong. Under normal circumstances a good diet should be enough to power your activities.
— After using so many products, I have come up with the best products that work for me, and for a lot of my friends.